Approved Changes to the Statutes and General Rules and other Policies and Procedures
(PDF format)
- ST-30. Proposed Changes to the Statutes: Terms of Faculty Employment (Severe Sanctions Other Than Dismissal For Cause). Approved by the Board of Trustees, 7/18/02.
- ST-39. Proposal to revise the Statutes to incorporate the University of Illinois at Springfield representation to the University Senates Conference. Approved by the Board of Trustees 6/12/97.
- ST-45. Interruptions of the Probationary Period (Tenure Code Rollback)-- Statutory Changes
- ST-47. Proposed Revisions to the Statutes, Articles IX and X, to provide optional multi-year contracts, and related dismissal procedures, for certain academic staff. Approved by the Board of Trustees 11/9/06.
- ST-49. Proposed Amendment to the Statutes, Article VII, Section 5, to Rename the Cooperative Extension Service to University of Illinois Extension.
- ST-51. Proposed Amendments to the Statutes: Article II, Section 4 -- Faculty Advisory Committee. Approved by the Board of Trustees, 7/18/02.
- ST-53. Revisions to the Statutes, Article V, Section 2, Graduate Colleges - Campus Research Board, and Article XII, Research and Publication Approved by the Board of Trustees 3/15/02.
- ST-54. Proposed Amendments to the Statutes: Article IX, Section 10- Nonreappointment of Academic Professional Staff. Not taken to the Board.
- ST-57. Proposed Revisions to the Statutes: Article II, Section 5 - Professional Advisory Committee. Editorial changes made May 2004.
- ST-61. Proposed Revisions to the Statutes,Article XIII, Section 8.a.- General Provisions, Amendments. Approved by the Board of Trustees, 1/17/08.
ST-62. Proposed Revisions to the Statutes, Article IX, Section 11
- to clarify employment policies applicable to Academic Professional Employees at the University Administration level. Approved by the Board of Trustees, 7/13/06.
- ST-63. Proposed Revisions to the Statutes, Article II, Section 2.a. (2) change the beginning date for which terms of members begin. Approved by the Board of Trustees, 7/13/06.
- ST-65. Proposed Revisions to the Statutes, Article II, Section 2.a. (4) and (5), change the title of USC Secretary to USC Vice Chair. Approved by the Board of Trustees 7/13/06.
- ST-66. Proposed Revisions to the Statutes, Article VIII - Changes in Academic Organization.
- ST-67. Proposed Revisions to the Statutes, Article II, Section 2.a. - USC Term Limits. Final Document (ST-67lang.rev.pdf)
- ST-72. Revisions to the Statutes, Article X, Section 2 (Academic Freedom). Approved by the Board of Trustees 11/12/20.
- ST-75/GR-44. Administrative Restructuring.
- ST-78/GR-47. Proposed Revisions to the Statutes and General Rules - to change throughout both documents "Vice President/Chancellor at the (Urbana-Champaign, Chicago, or Springfield) Campus" to "Chancellor at the (Urbana-Champaign, Chicago, or Springfield) Campus/Vice President".
- ST-77. Revisions to the Statutes – Edits and Updates. Approved by the Board of Trustees 11/12/20.
- ST-79. Proposed revisions to the Statutes, Article II, Section 2.b, and Article XIII, Section 8 – to authorize the University Senates Conference and the President to initiate revisions to the Statutes. Approved by the Board of Trustees 11/12/20.
- ST-81. Revisions to University of Illinois Nondiscrimination Statement. Not all recommendations accepted by the Board of Trustees 11/12/20.
- ST-82. Revisions to the Statutes, Article IX, Sections 3. (Appointments, Ranks, and Promotions of the Academic and Administrative Staff) a., and 4 (Principles Governing Employment of Academic and Administrative Staffs) b. Not taken to the Board of Trustees.
- GR-38. Proposed Revisions to The General Rules, Article II, Section 7 (j). UIUC Senate background (GR-38uiuc.pdf). Document (GR-38lang.pdf).
- GR-39. Proposed Revisions to The General Rules, Article V, Section 4 - Naming of University Facilities and Programs. Approved by the Board of Trustees, 4/11/06
- GR-40. Proposed Revisions to The General Rules, Article III (Intellectual Property), Sections 1-8, and Article V (University Property), Sections 1-3, and related University policies.
- GR-45. Proposed Amendments to the General Rules, Article II, Sections 4, 5, and 6 -- Contracts
- GR-46. Revisions to the General Rules - edits and updates. Approved by the Board of Trustees 11/12/20.
- GR-49: Revisions to General Rules - Updates to Bereavement and Sick Leave Reporting Policies. Approved by the Board of Trustees 1/19/17
OT-356. Discovery Partners Institute.
- OT-365. System Policies on Sexual Misconduct - University of Illinois System Policy on Intimate Personal Relationships and University of Illinois Policy on Consideration of Sexual Misconduct in Prior Employment.
- OT-366. Revisions to the Policy on Integrity in Research and Publication. Reviewed by USC and the Senates with no recommendations. Response 4/5/21.
- OT-371. Proposed revisions to the University of Illinois Residency Status Policy. Final response from USC 12/3/20. Approved by the Board of Trustees 5/20/21.
- OT-375. Discovery Partners Institute Bylaws. Approved by USC 1/26/21. Approved by the President 2/4/21.
- OT-376. Consideration of a New System Officer Position - VP External Relations and Communications. USC provided advice to System HR 11/12/20.
- OT-380. Proposed Revisions to Funeral/Bereavement Leave and Parental Leave. USC response to System HR 3/3/21.